
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mrs. Young

Math:  Students continue to practice ratios.  Today, they also got flash cards for the square and cubed numbers.  They will need to be working on learning these.  Homework is due Friday.

SS:  Today we worked on comparing and contrasting.  We will be doing some additional practice on this.  Assessment early next week.  No HW


Today, we continued working on our argument writing.  We went over the needs for the closing and then we used a self checking sheet to be sure that we had all of the necessary parts of the argument.

Social Studies -
Students worked on finishing Climate Graphs, and drawing conclusions from their graphs.  If they finished, they shared with a partner about our conclusions.  No Homework!


Science: Today in Science, we had a small discussion on what types of impacts humans have on the environment. Students ended the hour reading/evidence hunting about whether hunting is helpful or harmful to the environment. No homework!

Social Studies: Students finished research on average precipitation and average temperatures for their two locations and finished their climate graphs. No homework!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Science: today we finished watching our nature videos and began talking about our last ecology standard-- human impact on the environment. No homework!

Social Studies: the Turkey trot was rescheduled for today, so we didn't have social studies time! No homework!

Science Links for Human Impact Research

Feel free to use the links below for your research on human impact. You can use other resources you find also!

Other links (2016/17)

Mrs. Young

Math:  We have continued working on ratios.  Homework is due Friday.

SS:  Turkey Trot is today, so no SS.

Mrs. Schuiteman

Today we went over how to write the body of our argument paper with our 3 reasons & document evidence.  Then, we had time to write our body of our paper.  No Homework!

Social Studies -
We did not have Social Studies today due to our make up TURKEY TROT!!  What a great way to enjoy this beautiful day at the END of November!!!

Monday, November 28, 2016


Science: today in Science, we watched most of each class's ecology videos. We will finish them tomorrow and begin looking at our final ecology standard.

Social Studies: We started researching average temperature and precipitation for our selected cities. Some students who finished early began putting their data into their climate graphs. We will continue these tomorrow.


Today we finished up our organizers for our writing & discussed the 3 parts to the writing.  Finally, we discussed the introduction in detail - a hook & a thesis - with a look at a model.  Then, students wrote their introduction.  No Homework!!

Students worked on graphs for their climate graph project.  No Homework!

Mrs. Young

Math:  Today we were introduced to ratios.  We wrote ratios for various examples.  Weekly homework is due Friday!!

SS:  We will finish our research on our cities and start working on how to write compare and contrast of two topics.  No HW

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mrs. Young

Math and SS:  No homework!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable break!  See you Monday!!


Today students finished Day 10 of a 10 Days of Gratitude Journal..... your child is bringing this home this weekend, with the challenge of sharing some or all of it with someone in some way!  Ask him or her about it!!!

We also did some activities centered around Thanksgiving.... including creating something for someone we were thankful for -- ask your student about this!!

Finally, we had some time for a Hawk Walk & Gym Time in lieu of the Turkey Trot outside today.

Have a fantastic break & Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mrs. Young


Math:  We took an interim assessment on the computer to get information regarding our student's performance on the material we have covered so far this year.  I will be adding it into PS so that you can view it when I have a chance, but it does not count as part of their grade.  No homework.

SS:  We are continuing our city/country research.  No homework!

Monday, November 21, 2016


Science: Kids used today's class to edit and time stamp their ecology videos to easily label where the academic vocabulary can be found. We will do out best to finish this process tomorrow.

Social Studies: Today students reflected back on what they learned about the latitude and what happens with climate and plants and animals as one moves away from the equator. No homework!

Mrs. Young

Math:  We reviewed for an online assessment that will take place tomorrow.  The review sheet is homework - No calculators!  Due tomorrow.

SS:  Students began working on a project surrounding a city, country.  There is no due date yet.  They will use this information to do some writing down the road a bit.  No homework.


Today we completed gratitude journal #8.  We then did closing statements and a final vote from our debate.  Finally, we went over our argument writing standards that we will work towards in our next week or so of writing.  No Homework!!

Today we introduced our Climate Graph Project & selected 2 cities to use.  No Homework!!

**Students had an opportunity to participate in Market Day today run by our 7th grade Economics elective class.... it is always a fun experience!  Ask them about it!**

Friday, November 18, 2016

Mrs. Young

Math:  We continued to work on GCF and LCM.  Homework was due today.  No weekend homework.

SS:  Finishing Climagraphs.  No HW


Today we completed our gratitude journal.  Then, we had our DEBATE!!  Students did a great job with this! :)
No Homework!!!  Get out and play tonight while the weather is still beautiful!!!

Today we practiced making a climate graph and drawing conclusions.
No Homework!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Mrs. Young

Math:  We learned about factor trees and factor rainbows.  Homework is due tomorrow!

SS:  We are still working on Africa's climate.  No homework.


Today we completed day 6 in our gratitude journals.  We also went to library for our weekly checkout.  Finally, we grouped off and did some prep for our debate tomorrow!!
No Homework!!

We created a practice Climate Graph and completed a couple of practice worksheets on reading Climate Graphs.  No Homework!!


Science: Today, the students began filming their ecology "pretty near" videos. No homework!

Social Studies: The students continued making their climate graphs today. No homework!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Science: Today we finished (hopefully) our scripts for our ecology videos. We will start filming tomorrow. No homework (unless you told your group you would bring a prop for the video)!

Social Studies: Today the students started creating their own climate graphs. We will continue these tomorrow. No homework!


Today, we read in our read aloud and completed gratitude journal #5.  Students received some graded papers back.  We also started to "divide" into sides for our debate.  No Homework!

Today we continued working on what a climate graph is & how to use one.  We also started some compare and contrast with climate graphs.  No Homework!

Mrs. Young

Math:  Today we took a quiz over dividing fractions.  Weekly homework sheet is due Friday!

SS:  Today we worked on an atlas activity for Africa.  We also started to discuss climate graphs.  No HW

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mrs. Young

Math:  Quiz over dividing fractions tomorrow.  Weekly homework due Friday!

SS:  AFrica continues!  No HW


Today we completed day 4 of our gratitude journal.  We wrapped up document #6, and then we reviewed the evidence to compose a letter.  Students need to share the "letter" with someone at home tonight.  HW- SHARE LETTER & GET A SIGNATURE!!  Due tomorrow!

Today we started a mini unit on Climate Graphs - we will learn how to read them, create them, and what information and inferences we can make from them.  No HW!


Science: Today in Science, the students continued planning their ecology videos. Tomorrow will be the last day to plan-- recording videos will be part of Weds, Thurs, and Fri.

Social Studies: Today in SS, students will continue to work with climate graphs. No homework!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Mrs. Young

Math:  We are reviewing fraction division.  Quiz Wednesday.  Weekly homework due Friday.  No Calculators.

SS:  We are continuing our study of Africa.  No HW


Today we read in our read aloud, completed gratitude journal #3, and then worked with our documents.  We discussed #4, completed #5, and read #6.  #6 is the last of the documents!  This week, we will work on a decision & supporting that decision!!
No Homework!

Today we did an activity where we worked to sort and make sense of much of the Africa information we have gained so far.  No Homework!!


Science: Today in Science, the students started planning their ecology video with their groups. They have the requirements for the video and picked their own groups! We start filming Weds/Thurs. No homework!

Social Studies: The students continued working on climate graphs! No homework!

Friday, November 11, 2016


Today we did Day #2 of our Gratitude Journal, we read further in our read aloud, and we worked through Document #3.  We also started Document #4.  No Homework (aside from reading some over the weekend).

Today we watched CNN Student News, acknowledge Veterans Day, and finished up our Africa lessons.  No Homework!

Have a GREAT weekend!!

Mrs. Young

Math:  We are continuing to work on fraction division word problems.  This is hard for some of the kiddos because they struggle to identify which number goes first.  You can try to give them some practice in real-life problems as you enjoy your weekend.  No HW

SS:  We are continuing our study of Africa.  NO HW

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Science: Today in Science students played a few more rounds of "Oh Deer", mimicking limiting factors like forest fires, droughts, deforestation and over hunting. We will finish graphing our data tomorrow. No homework.

Social Studies: Today students finished presenting their lessons. No homework.


Today we went to library for book checkout.  We also started a "Gratitude Journal" that we will write in for the next 10 school days leading up to Thanksgiving.  Finally, we covered "Document #2" in our packet, as we work on finding evidence to back up our argument.  No Homework!

Today we started sharing our lessons on the variety of consequences of Africa's location of latitude.
No Homework!

Mrs. Young

Math:  We are continuing our work with division of fractions.  Every student has a math notebook with the steps for drawing the solution, as well as, calculating the solution.  They should be bringing these notebooks home when they have work to complete so it helps them know what to do.  Weekly review sheet is due tomorrow.

SS:  We are continuing our investigation of Africa.  No HW

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Today we read in our read aloud and worked through Document #1.  No Homework!!

Today we watched CNN Student News, worked on our lessons with our groups, and we started presentations.  No Homework!

Mrs. Young

Math - Weekly homework sheet is due Friday.  We have had to s---l---o---w way down.  Many kiddos are struggling a little with fraction division.  We will continue to work on this for the rest of this week at least.

SS - Rainy season in Africa, Africa's environment and animals.  No HW
Science: Today in Science, the kids played a game called "Oh deer!". No homework!

Social Studies: Today the students will begin teaching their lessons they prepared about Africa. No homework!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Today we read in our read aloud.  We discussed the feelings of fairness.  We defined our "big" question for our argument writing, "Should bullies be treated as criminals?".  Finally, we ended with a "gut write" a short journal of our initial reaction to the question.  No Homework!!

Students had a final day to work with their groups to prep the Africa lesson they were working to teach.
No Homework!

Mrs. Young

Mrs. Young is out of the classroom today.

Math:  We are continuing our work with dividing fractions.  Word Problem drawings are due Wednesday.  Practice sheet "Puzzle Time 2.3" is due Thursday.  Homework sheet "No Calculators" is due Friday!

Social Studies:  Today we read about traveling to Mars.  No Homework!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Mrs. Young

Math:  We are working on drawing answers to fraction word problems.  Students also got a weekly homework sheet - due Friday!

SS:  We finished Africa Latitude notes.  No HW


Today we shared good weekend news & read aloud in our book.  Then, we completed a journal about rules, consequences, and fairness.  No Homework!

Today we worked with our groups on our lesson we will teach on Africa and its latitude consequences.  No Homework!


Science: Today we graphed the data from Friday's "predator/prey" game. We analyzed the data with our groups and then discussed the questions as a class. HOMEWORK: The students have a paragraph to finish about limiting factors in ecosystems (what can be responsible for lowering a population other than a predator/prey relationship). These are DUE TOMORROW.

Social Studies: The students continued working on their Africa consequence lesson. They will need to have their lesson ready to teach on Wednesday.

Friday, November 4, 2016


Today we did our read aloud & then continued discussing theme.  We watched a short video clip and talked about theme examples from our reading passage yesterday.  No Homework!

Today we worked with our groups on our Africa's latitude presentations.  No Homework!!

Mrs. Young

Math - We continue working with dividing fractions and mixed numbers.  Graphing pictures are due Monday.

SS - Africa and its latitude.  No HW


Science: Today, we went outside and played predator vs. prey. After we came inside, we discussed how the game simulated life in the wild and what we witnessed with our population data during the game. No homework!

Social Studies: Today we began working on our South America presentations. Students will have Monday to work on these also. No homework!

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Science: Today we learned the directions to the game "predator vs. prey" that we will play tomorrow outside (keep that in mind when dressing for tomorrow). We then played squat review and continued working on our "words in a picture" from yesterday. No homework.

Social Studies: Today we finished talking about the latitude of Africa. We broke into groups for our presentations-- we will continue working on these tomorrow and Monday. No homework.

Mrs Young

Math - we continued drawing division today - homework sheet is due tomorrow!  Graph pictures are due Monday, colored!

SS - today we began discussion surrounding Africa's latitude and its impact on the continent and its people.  No HW

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Mrs. Young

Math - We started learning to draw fraction division to solve instead of calculating.  Wow, pretty cool concept.  HW is due Friday!  Graph pictures are due Monday!

SS - Africa Presentations today!  No HW


Today we had a quiz over our vocabulary we have been working on thus far this year.  We will be wrapping up the reading skills we have been studying with a little practice on theme.  No Homework!

Today we watched CNN Student News Special on an important current event.  We then split into groups and started reading about different consequences of Africa's physical geography.  No Homework!


Science: Today in class, students defined and listed examples for 6 academic vocabulary terms. They also rated themselves on the understanding of each term. We ended the hour starting a "words in a picture" assignment (this is not homework at this point, we will try to work on it later this week).

Social Studies: Today in class, students will continue talking about Africa's location and what the location of the continent means in terms of what is found there versus other places. No homework.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Today we read in our read aloud & we reviewed our vocabulary.  HW - Study for vocab quiz if you need to!!

Today we finished our maps with our base knowledge of Africa.  No HW!


Science: Today in Science, the students finished their fact finding about mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. We then filled out a fill-in-the-blank cartoon about these symbiotic relationships. Last, we played a couple rounds of "5 Second Rule". No homework.

Social Studies: Today in SS, the students watched a CNN segment on distracted driving. Then, we filled out a KWL chart about Africa. We ended the hour sharing the "K" and "W" from our charts. No homework.

Mrs. Young

Math - we are starting division of fractions - Weekly homework assigned, due Friday!!  Graphing pictures due Monday, 11/7!

Social Studies - we finished our Africa presentations and started to see them - No HW